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Author: Clay Wilkes

wilkeslegalgroup.com > Articles posted by Clay Wilkes

Navigating a Medical Malpractice Case in Utah: Essential Steps to Take

Medical malpractice cases can be complex and emotionally challenging, but if you believe you've been a victim of medical negligence in Utah, it's crucial to understand the steps you should take to protect your rights and seek justice. Here's a comprehensive guide on what to do if you're in a medical malpractice case in Utah: Recognize the Signs: Medical malpractice occurs when a healthcare professional deviates from the standard of care, resulting in harm or injury to the patient. Common examples include misdiagnosis, surgical errors, medication mistakes, and birth injuries. If you suspect that you've been a victim of medical malpractice,...

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What to Do If You’re Hit by a Car While Riding Your Bike in Utah: A Comprehensive Guide

Cycling is a popular mode of transportation and recreation in Utah, offering beautiful landscapes and opportunities for exercise. However, sharing the road with vehicles can sometimes lead to accidents, and being hit by a car while riding your bike can be a terrifying experience. Knowing what to do in such a situation is crucial for your safety and well-being. Here's a comprehensive guide on what to do if you're hit by a car while riding your bike in Utah: Assess Your Safety: Immediately after the accident, prioritize your safety. If you're able to move, carefully maneuver yourself and your bike to...

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What to Do If You’re Hit by a Car as a Pedestrian in Utah: A Comprehensive Guide

Being hit by a car as a pedestrian is a frightening and potentially life-altering experience. In Utah, where pedestrian accidents occur more frequently than desired, it's crucial to know how to react in such a situation. Here's a comprehensive guide on what to do if you're hit by a car as a pedestrian in Utah: Prioritize Safety: Immediately after being hit, prioritize your safety. If you're able to move, carefully get yourself to a safe location away from traffic. Avoid moving too much if you suspect you have serious injuries, as this could worsen your condition. Seek Medical Attention: Even if you...

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Types of insurance coverage:In the realm of auto insurance

Types of insurance coverage:In the realm of auto insurance, understanding the nuances between different types of coverage is crucial for ensuring adequate protection in case of an accident. In Utah, like in many other states, drivers have the option to choose between full coverage and liability-only property damage coverage. Each type of coverage offers distinct advantages and disadvantages, and understanding these differences is essential for making an informed decision. Let's delve into the disparities between full coverage and liability-only property damage coverage in Utah: Full Coverage: Full coverage auto insurance typically consists of two primary components: liability coverage and comprehensive/collision coverage. Liability Coverage:...

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Understanding Personal Injury Protection (PIP) in Utah: A Crucial Resource for Auto Accident Victims

Personal Injury Protection (PIP) is a vital component of auto insurance that provides coverage for medical expenses, lost wages, and other financial losses resulting from a car accident. In the state of Utah, PIP coverage is mandatory for all registered vehicles, offering essential financial protection for drivers and passengers involved in auto accidents. Understanding the nuances of PIP in Utah can be crucial for individuals seeking compensation and navigating the aftermath of a collision. What is Personal Injury Protection (PIP)? Personal Injury Protection, commonly referred to as PIP, is a type of auto insurance coverage that extends beyond liability insurance. While liability...

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